Monday, March 3, 2014

The 5 Things I Carry

Physical- One thing that I always need to be near me is time. Yes, time is not a physical item, but time is such a precious thing. Whether it is from a phone, from a computer, or from a watch, I need to be able to tell time. I am only going to be here for a short while, and I want to make the most of my time while I am still here. I also do not like wasting my time on something that I know I am not going to enjoy looking back on later in my life, so while I still can, I would want to accomplish much with by using my time wisely.

Dreams/Goals- Like everyone else, I want to be successful. Success that I will be grateful of for eternity. What is different is that what the world calls "success" is not what I call success. To me, success is not being rich or having fame or owning all the luxurious things in the world. What I call success is to know that I am doing the things that I have been called to do and be happy with what I have.

Relationship- There is only one relationship that I truly value. That is my relationship with my God. Nowadays it seems like it is rare for someone to truly hold on to their faith, but I do not mind being different. To know that I am loved by someone so much that it is not possible to love me more is the most amazing feeling in the world. That love is what keeps me going each and every day.

Personality- Three adjectives that I would use to describe myself would be determined, strong-willed, and passionate. I do not like to give up easily. I feel like I am disappointing so many people if I give up on something. Along with being determined, I also like to do things my way. At first I will do things as I am asked to do them, but as time goes one, I tend to put my own twist into it and not let anyone else do it a different way than how I do it. Last, is that I do things out of love. I only enjoy doing the things that I do when I am allowed to do it with love (this usually does not include anything school related).

Memories- One of the most significant memory I have is moving here to the United States. I was only nine years old when I moved here. I was not old enough to establish my own identity by then, but all I knew was that it was a chance for me to start over. Even at a young age I already knew that I have made some mistakes that I will regret for the rest of my life, but moving gave me a chance to leave all those mistakes and regrets and simply start over.


  1. I can connect with you with the definition of success that you have. For example cancer research is something that calls to me and I feel as though I will truly be happy doing that the rest of my life.

  2. I also believe being successful and happy at the same time is really important. There's nothing wrong with achieving a goal that is completely positive for everyone. c:

  3. Time is also important to me as well. Whether it is on the track or in class, I like being able to know what time it is or how much has passed.

  4. When I first got here to Houston, I was 8 years old, and I could not understand why we had to move but after a while I realized that we had moved because my parents wanted me to have more opportunities then the ones thay had when they were young.
