Tuesday, January 28, 2014


America's pop culture seem to have a growing fascination in the occult. People are constantly craving to know more about the supernatural. It is as if they hope that the things not of this world could actually exist for their own amusement. People are constantly wishing that maybe, just maybe, a vampire or a witch will miraculously come into their lives and "shake things up", and they will be able to become a part of something supernatural. 

There are multiple ways that we satisfy our hunger for the supernatural, such as reading books like Twilight or watching TV shows and movies like "The Walking Dead" and "The Exorcist". Our increasing demand for things involving the occult only shows how much we have let it become a part of our daily lives. Even though this may be great news for some, having an obsession over the occult only shows how we have let ourselves fall into the traps that the greedy businessmen have set in order for them to gain more money.

One of the reason for this continuous growth of America's obsession with the occult is tied in with our want of a happy ending. Hollywood showed us through movies, like "World War Z" and "Warm Bodies", that even through all the struggles, there will always be a happy ending. We use these movies as an escape from our real lives and hope that we are able to live the lives of those people on the big screen where everything always ends up the way they wanted to.

We probably would never be able to see vampires or zombies in real life, but it never hurts to hope for it to happen, right? For all we know, the supernatural is probably way more real than the world we are living in now. There could have been a vampire in your science class all along and you most likely would not have known about him.

Friday, January 17, 2014


America's society today seem to have an inevitable attraction to a faulty hero. One of the first anti-hero ever introduced in American Literature would be Ichabod Crane. Like any other anti-hero, Ichabod Crane was the protagonist with a bit too many flaws.

Ichabod Crane would not be the type of person that anyone would probably want to be around with. His principle and motives and life are undeserving of any type of praise. Although he may be charming, he is also manipulative and greedy. Things does not get any better when the readers find out about his insane attraction to Katrina Van Tussel, or Katrina Van Tussel's wealth. As identified, there are so much things that are wrong with Ichabod Crane, yet we still find our ways to love him in a way.

The musical comedy television show, Glee, greedy character, like Ichabod Crane, known as Santana Lopez. Santana Lopez is a not-so-typical cheerleader that faced a lot of trouble because of her harsh opinions and point of view in life. She is a girl that is able to find her way through difficulties with her charming and manipulative trait.

Anti-heroes have things that most people despise. Just like how Crane and Lopez are both charming, manipulative, and greedy, but we still love them no matter what because of the fact that they are who they are.